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As a community volunteer and leader, Eliseo is a proven bridge-builder who respectfully listens and leads by example. He will bring civility and respect back to the county, end petty infighting, put results over politics, and get things done.


Eliseo will bring transparency to the County Commissioner's office. He will stand up to insiders and stop runaway taxpayer-funded giveaways that don’t make economic sense. If our county considers incentives for developments, they must be transparent, fiscally responsible, and hold the developers accountable. Taxpayers shouldn’t be left in the dark or foot the bill for anything that doesn’t show an exceptional long-term return for our county. Eliseo plans to create a financial advisory board once elected.

  • Arapahoe residents deserve to know who is funding the campaigns of political candidates running for commissioner. Campaign finance contributions are public record. However, they are buried and difficult to find on the county’s website making the records less than transparent. View Eliseo's campaign finance reportVIEW ELISEO'S CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT

Building bridges

Eliseo's Political Science and upbringing is essential to restoring trust in local government. As commissioner, He will unveil how local government works, tax dollars are spent, and how projects are prioritized. Eliseo will work overtime listening to and communicating with our community in a timely and transparent manner.

Committee to Elect Eliseo Gonzalez
Registered Agent: Jacob Luria 
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