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Here are some interesting facts about my district (Arapahoe County District 5)

  • Population is 651,215. Only Denver and El Paso counties are larger.
  • 242,141 households. Since 2010, the population of persons 65 and over living alone in Arapahoe County has grown by 29 percent.
  • 36.9 years is the median age in the County. This is an increase of 1.2 years since 2010 
  • $76,768 is the median household income: $5,000 higher than that state-wide median income. 
  • 92.3 percent of Arapahoe County residents are high school graduates or higher. 
  • 42 percent have a bachelor's degree or higher: a 5 percent increase since 2010.
  • 40.7 percent bachelor’s degree or higher, percent of persons age 25+.
  • 254,250 housing units in the County, of which 63 percent are owner occupied. 



Committee to Elect Eliseo Gonzalez
Registered Agent: Jacob Luria 
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