Support Existing Businesses
Strengthening our economy begins with engaging, supporting, and collaborating with our existing businesses. Eliseo plans to create an advisory board including education and business leaders.
Partner for Success
Eliseo wants to increase workforce development for high-paying, in-demand jobs in critical industries such as aerospace, cybersecurity, defense, healthcare, and semiconductors. He will forge a stronger relationship with educational institutions, including Aurora and Cherry Creek Public Schools and local colleges and universities, to focus on closing the skills gap and creating a future-ready workforce.
Promote Arapahoe County
Eliseo will serve as an ambassador for our county to attract new industry, investment, and people. He will actively support groups like the Arapahoe County Works.
Remove Barriers
Eliseo Wants to make Arapahoe county the best county to start and grow a business. He will prioritize policies that create economic opportunity for all and remove government barriers that stifle growth.
Oppose Tax IncreasesEliseo is opposed to tax increases on working families. Instead, He is committed to increasing our tax base. He is also committed to stopping taxpayer-funded giveaways that don’t make economic sense.
Protect TABOREliseo is opposed to the repeal or repression of the Tax Payor Bill of Rights (TABOR).
Support Buckley Space Force Base
Eliseo wants to increase collaboration with Buckley Space Force Base, which plays a vital role in Arapahoe county's economy and culture.